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  • Event Planning(10)
1 Can you import planning forms from a competing product?

Not at this time. The competing product does not appear to provide their users with a downloadable database of either blank or completed planning forms. Since this is the case, we are unable to write a conversion algorithm. Recreating the planning form templates…

2 How do I assign a planning form to an event?

Click the icon below to watch a video tutorial called Planning Forms found on our DJ Event Planner YouTube Channel: If you want your clients to have access to the online planning tools, you must assign the proper planning forms to their event. You can do…

3 How do I create and send a contract for Multi-Day Events?

Creating multi-day events within DJEP is not a difficult process, but we recommend handling them in a slightly different way than your average single day event. To get started, create the first day’s event within your DJEP account. Once created and saved,…

4 How do I update song request limits?

You can set your own default settings for song limits including overall maximum limit for clients to place in their planner and also limits by song categories such as Must Play, Do Not Play, Dedications, etc. You can do this by going here: Log in to DJ Event…

5 How does Spotify work within my account?

Spotify integration was added to DJ Event Planner to allow clients to access their Spotify playlists, search artists and songs and browse music collections via the Spotify Platform. It allows your clients to add songs or whole playlists to their planning…

6 How does the song request limit work?

This is the maximum number of songs your clients may place in their requested songs shopping cart. This will help you avoid getting a long list of songs to play. You can change the default number of requests by going here: Log in to DJ Event Planner ->…

7 I am currently creating planning forms on the system. My confusion is whether to put them on Event Activities Forms or Additional Planning Forms? Or does it matter? I just want to make sure that they show up for the clients when they log in.

Click the icon below for a video tutorial on Planning Forms found on our DJ Event Planner YouTube Channel: You can designate your planning forms three different ways: 1) Event Activity Form - this is the primary planning form. This is where your "standard…

8 If I make a change to the planning forms, what effect does this have on existing, saved planning forms? For instance, if I delete or add a line to my wedding planner, will this delete or add that line to all my existing client's wedding planners or just new ones when assigned?

When you assign a planning form to an event, a reference to the planning form is stored with all of the event information. When the client (our yourself) hits save for the first time, a copy of the planning form questions and answers is stored with the event…

9 Once a client enters data into their Event Planner or Special Song form, can it be updated with the new questions or new special songs?

The assigned Event Planner form and Special Song list for each client can be updated (if you change the master template) UNTIL the client enters some information into the form. Once they have started working on the planner information, they are required to…

10 What Are Special Songs?

Click on the icon above to watch the video tutorial labeled How to Manage Special Songs with DJ Event Planner What are special songs? Special Songs are exactly what you think they are; the songs needed for a given events specialties. For example, for a wedding…