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1 How do I export my music database from iTunes?

iTunes Open iTunes application File -> Library -> Export Playlist Save file to desktop Navigate to desktop and open file in Excel Delete all columns except the artist and song title Save as an Excel (*.xls) file to your desktop Login to DJ Event Planner…

2 What is the proper format of the music database file?

To use your own music database instead of the default database you must upload a file to the server containing your list of songs. The file can be in either Excel or Text Format. You can use one of these programs to generate the file: MP3 Collector from…

3 What options are available for the music database?

The music database can be configured to use one of three options: Platinum Series, Extended Library, or an Uploaded File. The Platinum Series consists of the Top 1500 Party Songs and is loosely based on a previously released series of party hits. This series…

4 Why am I getting a large number of unknown artists when I upload my music database?

To import your music database into the DJEP system you must first upload your database. Then the file is converted using a Microsoft driver. There is a bug in the driver that Microsoft refuses to fix. Because of this you may need to adjust the format of your…

5 Why is the number of songs on the Music Database website tool less than what I uploaded?

The song count represents the number of unique artist and song combinations. If your uploaded database contains the following entries: ArtistSong TitleAlbum Michael Jackson Billie Jean Thriller Michael Jackson Billie Jean 80's Greatest Hits Only one would…